Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Diet Murder

Today was diet murder. I started out with a good workout and a healthy breakfast. Then we headed off to playgroup water bottle in hand. After that we had just 15 minutes to get lunch (Wendy's) before heading off to a field trip at a very scary place I will say more about later. At Wendy's I ordered a dollar menu bacon cheesburger! and a side salad. Why did I do that- well I usually try to get a small burger and a side salad with low-cal dressing but the addition of bacon and cheese was just wrong. I got that because I was in a hurry and couldn't think--she was waiting for me to order and I was having trouble making a healthy decision in the 5 second pause I had to look a the menu. So then the burger came and I realized I forgot to tell them to leave OFF the mayo. So after a quick debate as to how dry and flavorless it would be, I wiped off the mayo with a napkin and decided that the bacon and cheese and vegetable and the beef would lend a good enough mixture of flavors and moisture-- I was right it was good. So I downed that and the salad and we were off to the field trip to Sweet's CANDY FACTORY!!!

If I had any diet responsibility at all I would have arranged to have Ed go or just never mentioned it to my kids, but the truth is I wanted to go as much as my kids did! It was a really cool field trip and tasty too. I have seen all kind of shows about about how things are made and seen the factories and such, but have NEVER personally been in one that I can remember. So we saw taffy being made and sampled it, and we saw jelly beans being made and sampled them, and we saw orange jelly sticks enrobed in chocolate being made and sampled them (holy crap it was good- so fresh and I am not usually that much of a fan) we also saw cinnamon bears being made and I got to sample one too (I LOVE them). This place even covers cinnamon bears in chocolate and they are so good. The chocolate enrobing kitchen smelled AMAZING. So I sampled all of the things above plus a carmel peanut chocolate covered thing. On the drive home I was literally feeling sick. It wasn't that I had eaten THAT much candy, it was really just one of each of the things I mentioned above-- could be worse. It was just so much sweet all at once for me. So worked on recovering during the drive, home and told myself I would not eat anymore candy today. So when I got home I went to show Ed the candy that I bought (I forgot to mention that) the factory had a little candy store that sells all kind of fresh candy. I then began to sample all of it. There were huge chocolate covered marshamallow eggs, an easter candy mix, some saltwater taffy, grape sourballs and a mixture of chocolate covered nuts (my favorite). I kept eating the nuts and eating them because I had to try all the different kinds several times- there were dark and milk chocolate on pecans, brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, walnuts and almonds-- I hope I tried them all I wonder if there are some nuts I missed I need to go check! I followed this up by a little walk outside and a healthy dinner-- my homemade version of Chili's Grilled Chicken Carribeann.

So it was a bad day as it was (I also sampled a couple bites of cookie throughout the day) but then my favorite neighbor came by with the most amazing chocolate cake I have ever eaten. She had told me about the recipe she had and so she was bringing it by for me to try and to get rid of some of it. I had decided by this time it was a lost cause that the diet was not happening today and that there was no way I was leaving that chocolate cake alone tonight. So I ate it but my kids wanted some so I hesitantly gave them each some of mine knowing it was for my own good, but it was not an easy sacrifice. I want the recipe really bad, but am not sure if I am to be trusted. Here is the strangest thing about my diet murder today- I have been sitting here hungry and wanting more food! I am in no place to eat more after today or after the high numbers on the scale I have been seeing lately-- hopefully due to the time of the month. Also because I saw a full body pic of myself and it was a wake up call. Losing weight has made me feel so good because my clothes fit better etc, but the picture made it very obvious that I am not there yet I have a ways to go! It was diet murder, but it was really, REALLY yummy.


wadeanderin said...

MAybe this will make you feel better - all I've eaten today is about 10 chocolate covered caramel cookies and a bag of baked lays (the uk equivalant) and a Dr. Pepper. Wait - I did eat a clementine in there somewhere. Plus I haven't exercized in 2 months! No worries - you look great! Quit being so hard on yourself! You're a hot mom!

Julie said...

At least you recognize that some days were just not meant to be low-cal! And hey, you got in a great workout! Just start over and all will be well. Also, you know your body won't be plateauing! And when your period ends you'll see a drop in those bloating numbers.

There are lots of positive things to see!

Erin said...

Ha ha Alisa! That does sound like a scary place and I hope it isn't murder on the scale. I didn't have an AWESOME day b/c I felt somewhat full after dinner and I also ate a "skinny cow" ice cream sandwich. Bal made me buy them b/c he was talking to a guy he works with and he told Billy about that brand, the ice cream, but at Walmart I only found the sandwiches. Anyway, good luck today!

Jenna Harris said...

Did you know that a Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger is only 320 calories? It does have 16 grams of fat. On WW it's 7.5 points.

It's almost the same as a Subway 6" Chicken Teriyaki which is 370 cals, but only 5 grams fat. On WW it's 7 points, but that's before cheese and mayo or oil.

The JBCB may not be the "best" choice, but it's not anywhere near the worst.

When I feel like a burger it's always the one I get, 'cause I know I can have it without complete blowing my diet.

The candy store...that's a completely different story. Where did you say that was again? Not that I would visit. But, you see, my kids might want to go. :)

Kim said...

Don't be so hard on yourself! The key is to get back up after an "off" day... Which is something I have to remind myself of too. :) At the same time, you look GREAT so don't get discouraged. :)

Alisa said...

I had a bad day and I am not HAPPY about it, but I am not all that upset. I know those days are going to happen on occassion its part of life. I think they can be healthy so long as they are rare and not the norm. I love candy and chocolate cake and bacon cheesburgers and think I deserve a day every so often where I get to enjoy them. I just thought by sharing it might make some other people get a good laugh and feel better about themself since they most likely did better me that day maybe the whole week.

As for how I look, I need a healthy outlook between not being okay with how I look enough to keep motivated, but realizing that I am looking better than I was and am not SO bad. I do still really need to lose some more.

Jenna thanks for the info about the burger. I did have some indication that it was one of the better choices of burgers out there, especially for ones including bacon and cheese. I however did not know how much better. 320 calories is not bad especially since the salad was very low in calories- that isn't too bad for lunch. Thanks for telling me because that is quite useful. McDonalds hamburger has only 250 calories! I like it too, but it has not vegetables on it, so I get a side salad with that too. Geeze I was hoping that you could give me some shred of hope about the candy!!! Oh well :). Maybe I'll learn something really good about the chocolate cake -- THAT would be nice!
The Sweet's Candy Company Factory is located the first road east of the Bangerter off of California Ave. just about a block north of California Ave. I took the bangerter to get there and it took a really long time- all the stoplights and traffic. There is an exit for California Ave off of the 215 and that might be the better way to go from where you are coming from. I think your kids DO want to go there!

The Price's Wife said...

I'm so glad that you are blogging again! We need to go to lunch and catch up one day... It's a little silly for us not to, since we only live about 15 minutes apart!

anna said...

oooh! i hate days like that! you start out all positive and then BAM-you don't know what hit you! it's like sugar comes in a mack truck and runs you over!!