Sunday, May 18, 2008


Its been a month since I have posted - almost exactly. I am feeling bad and neglectful. However that is indicative of my life. In the past month we have worked backbreaking days on our kitchen - doing the long awaited remodel. It is almost there, but we are taking a short break from any continued work as we have company in town- Ed's brother and his wife. They drove all the way from South Carolina taking 2 1/2 days to get here. We have a fun but busy we ahead I am sure. Our kitchen is looking quite nice even though it is not yet done, but I'll wait until the end to post pictures. The hardest part of the project so far has been putting the new wood floors down. We had rip up the old ones, get the new ones down (took 2+ long days), sand them (another entire day) stain them (no walking on them after that) then 3 coats of polyurethane. This meant the heart of our home the kitchen and family room were off limits for an entire week. We hated it and ate out every meal- which got very old. It was so cramped with all the furniture being moved out and our refrigerator was in the entry way, just inside the front door- kind of funny when people stopped by- embarassing more like it. We had a very thick layer of dust on literally EVERYTHING in the entire house!!! It took a lot of cleaning to get rid of the dust and I am still finding it. We didn't get to bed before 12 or 1am a singe night because we had to work late. If I never did another wood floor again it would be too soon. We are done with the wood though and it looks great, and it really feels like we earned it. It also was good for weight loss. We both lost a few pounds as we barely ate (when we did eat it was BAD) and we were burning up so many calories. So I'll post pics later! Not of us and weight- which is bound to find its way back on, of the remodel.


Erin said...

I'm excited to see pics of your house and to see it in person next month. If you feel the need to do another wood floor we're hiring someone to do ours (you I mean). We could pay you in meals if you'd like:) You wouldn't even have to eat out a single meal! Isn't that a hot deal?

Erin said...

p.s. and i was shocked to see that you had ACTUALLY posted!!!

Laurie said...

Welcome back! You are very busy! You'll love it when it's all done. I can't wait for pictures!

Julie said...

So I guess now's not the best time to come for a visit, huh? Juuuuusssst kiiiiiddding (kinda). I can't wait to see how beautiful it is! Everything you've done in your house is.

Alisa said...

Julie you know you are welcome to come whenever you want, no matter what. We aren't done yet, but it does look better. By the time of the reunion I believe it will be done-- so if you don't get down before, you might see it then. Either way we'll make a point of getting you out here - what excuse do we have IKEA?? We don't need an excuse.

Tara Rickards said...

I keep checking your bog because I can't wait to see pictures of your kitchen! I'm so glad you posted! It sounds like it is beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures of all your hard work. :-)