Monday, May 19, 2008

What Alex told me

I posted two yesterday and I was thinking today about how I needed to post what Alex said to me the other day. I always see those cute kid quote posts, so here goes my third post in 2 days. K, so first picture me laying on the ground trying not to fall asleep and Alex sitting nearby me and something catches his eye.

Alex: Mom what is that? (touching my underarm)
Me: What is what?
Alex: That-- your growing a beard in there.

In my defense this was on Sunday and I was dead beat tired from my week-- I am sorry if I forgot to shave the night before when I finally got in for my bath at 1:30 in the morning. Yes that is what happened. All the dust I talked about cleaning up in my earlier post, moving all my kitchen stuff back from my living room into my kitchen, cleaning every corner of the house and every bathroom, doing laundry, going to soccer and Costco and helping my kids set up the playpool outside, cleaning off the porch etc, basically catching up on WEEKS worth of work in one day and I still didn't get it all done. That is why I got a bath so late, went to bed so late and somehow overlooked my underarms. I think my hand were too overworked to be able to hold the razor anway.


Laurie said...

I love it! Very funny! Sorry you had to worked so hard on a Saturday though. That'll wipe you out for sure on Sunday. Some things just don't seem important when you add up all the other things you did that day.

Erin said...

LOL!!!! Even Bal laughed when I told him. So funny. I love how he described it--good one!

Julie said...

You said it right, Alex! I've grown plenty of beards in my time, too...

Tara Rickards said...

Haha! That is too funny! Kids are great! You are so good for writing it down! I always think I will remember or I say I should write it down, but then I forget!

Jenna Harris said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Oh, kids are too funny! I'm so glad you wrote that down. This is what blogging is all about. You'll never reget it.

anna said...

oh no! i do not want my son to have the same conversation with me! you should have seen me at the pool today...3 days of stubble under there. UGH!

The Price's Wife said...

that's the best one I've heard yet!

Molly W. said...

Hey Alisa!
You are so funny, of course I remember you! I was just telling Anna how lucky she was to have you for a sister-in-law. :) Thanks for stopping by the ol' blog!
PS this story is hilarious!