Monday, January 14, 2008

Fat matters, Carbohydrates Count but Calories are King!

That is ,I think, the actual title of my new calorie counter book. When my husband went to Walmart the other day I asked him to check and see if they had any good calorie counting books. I had looked and never found much, but whenever it is a new year there is always tons of that stuff out and I figured there was a good chance they'd have one now. Anyway the book is kind of cheesy on the cover, but pretty useful- he did a good job! And as cheesy as the title sounds it is really true. Well maybe to you the title isn't cheesy but there is this guy on the cover with a cheesy smile and a crown on his head and big flashy words. I studied to be a Dietician (didn't finish) in college and learned a lot of good basics. I had been a die hard fat gram counter which was the fad at the time. However I had already figured out by the time I started in the program that counting fat didn't work. Not only do you end up craving and really actually needing some fat eventually, but that you always end up eating way to many calories thinking they are free and they aren't because things can be high in calories and still low in fat. The carb thing was just starting back then, and what I learned saved me from ever trying that. I think a life without any carbs is a very tragic life for me. So I am so pleased to see these fad diets going away and the basics that actually work coming to the surface again. People are realizing that there is no secret way to sucess nothing extreme or unusual, but the classic rule of don't eat more calories than you burn. Doing that helps a person to eat more fruit and vegetables because they are naturally so low in calories, as a result we are so much healthier. People are also eating more fiber and healthy carohydrates and fats. That is so exciting to me I can barely stand it! Its obvious from the route I chose in school that this subject is really interesting to me. However it seems like the past few years you would never know that I cared so much about this subject because life got crazy and I began not to care so much. Cooking dinner and getting my family to eat what I cooked was hard enough, the last thing I could worry about was what I was eating. I belive and have always believed in balance, but didn't practice it very well. Well I think I am back. I have the excitement now that I couldn't get as much as I wanted to for past few years. I hope I can get my family to enjoy some of the things I am going to be needing to cook! Here's to a new blog, a new body and a new year!!!


Julie said...

Yay, Alisa! I liked you old blog, but this'll be nice not to have to login to make a comment!

Your new calorie book sounds great; I'll have to take a look at it next time I see you. So are you going to be posting recipes, too?

Erin said...

Amen sister! Hopefully Ed understands why you switched!

Looking forward to your posts!!!

Jenna Harris said...

Alisa! I've been reading faithfully, but I could never make the comment thing work. Hoo-ray! You're on blogspot.

Now we can truly be blogging buddies. :)

Perfect Family Home! (FSBO) said...

Hey, Alisa!
Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Oh, Alisa. I love your new blog! I, too, wanted to post so many times, but adding another step was so discouraging for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

As for the diet craze, ever since my FSN classes at BYU I have always looked at calories in, calories out, as well as overall nutrition information. Duh. It makes so much sense.

It's like the gospel. Some people just took parts of the truth and went crazy -- like fat or carbs. What about the whole truth, huh? That fat and carbs do matter, but so does the rest of it.

Maybe what the world needs is a restoration of the truthfulness of health. Any takers?

Glad to have you onboard.