Monday, January 21, 2008

One sweet talkin' sister-in-law

So last year around this same time my sister-in-law Kariann talked me into training for a marathon along with my older sister Julie and younger sister Erin. It was a goal I had always had and this time opportunity had knocked at just the right time. Us girls emailed, chatted and ran our brains out. The time finally came and I completed my first and only marathon (Salt Lake City Marathon, last April). It was one of the most amazing and gratifying experiences ever. I doubt that I would have run a marathon to this day or for many days after had she not talked me into it. It will always be a highpoint for me in my life.

So here I find myself introduced to another challenge by Kariann. This time it is a Throwdown the Pounds weight loss competion. Kind of like the Bobbly Flay thing only in this one we are avoiding the food and hittin' the treadmill. It involves the same gang as last time, Julie, Erin, Kariann and I. I am the last to post about it- you can read all their input on it on their individual blogs. Kariann was the instigator and so her blog has the most details. I am always scared to start these challenges. Just as I seriously doubted my ability to complete a marathon, I seriously have doubts as to how I will finish in this competition. I also however have enough confidence in myself to enter. I can be stubborn and competitive when necessary. Lets just say she's convincing but she didn't have to twist my arm TOO hard. Mostly because they are things I want to do anyway I just need someone to give me a nudge. Really opportunity knocked once again at just the right time. I had just begun a serious attempt at weight loss, one that was years in the making. I had been waiting for that spark ever since my last baby was born and just when I thought it was there another peice of cake showed up. You would think that running a marathon alone would melt all the pounds away. I thought so too, it turns out that people rarely lose weight while training for a marathon. Wish I had known that when I started, I guess it is good I didn't know, or I might have never done it.

So each person has sort of posted their course of action (you know like Bobby Flay does). So here's mine: I am going to eat around 1300-1400 calories a day, but more importantly I need to make sure to be slightly hungry when I go to bed. When that happens I know I am losing weight. I will choose higher fiber, lower fat, lower calorie foods. And oh man, I getting good at this- I am getting giddy! For exercise I will continue to rotate between different types of exercise so my body doesn't get too efficient at one. I will use my orbital glider, my treamill and floor exercises such as jumping jacks or jump rope, squats, weights and sit ups. Today I started with weights, then went to the orbital glider to warm up further, then ended by rotating a 2 min sprint with a 1 min. walk for the remainder of my workout. When I finished I felt like I had gotten a really good workout! I am down 3 pounds since I started a week ago and so hopefully I am doing something right.

So who will win? I thought Julie's point was very good on her blog. The $25 in the form of gifts cards that we are each throwin' in the pot is cheap in comparison to what it costs to get this kind of motivation someplace else. So whether I win the Throwdown or not, I really can't lose- well except in pounds. The first person to lose 7% of their bodyweight and maintain it for 2 weeks wins.

What will it be next year? She got me fit, she's getting me thin. She's one sweet talkin sister-in-law.


Unknown said...

I'm sure you could guess what my sweet talkin' request will be for next year...a Parker Reunion in FLORIDA! With how fit we'll all be, maybe you guys could just run here! Or, maybe we could have a Maintenance Throwdown where the prizes are plane tickets!

Ok, now I'm just plain crazy. I better save my requests for next year.

Julie said...

Well put, Alisa. But I can't say I understand where you're coming from on being giddy...

Alisa said...

Julie it was a momentary thing :) I sometimes actually enjoy keeping my calories low and having new healhty recipes and ways of cooking. Then sometimes I just want the cake. At that particular moment I felt like I was on a roll.

Jenna Harris said...

As the saying goes, are we losers? Yes!! WE are losers! (Of pounds of course.)

Good luck. I'm trying WW again. 7%, huh? That's a great goal.

The Price's Wife said...

You guys are so funny... Go ALISA!