Today was a busy day the kind you come home from and you can barely function, because taking all of your kids with you FREAKIN' wore you out. I knew it would be a big errand day because so many things to do kept piling up. Plus I like to get it all done in one day because I know there is a very good chance I won't want to leave the house again for a long time. Besides on big errand days I neglect cleaning and laundry and that usually takes a while to get under control again. Who am I kidding? It is never much under control.
Here's how today went down: Ran 6 miles,made breakfast, cleaned up, cut my boys hair, cleaned that up,bathed them, went to Great Harvest (I was starving from the 6 miles),The Quilt Shop (it was next door), Micheal's (scrapbook paper is 25 cents right now), back home (to give Ed some food),the Libraray (our books were due-plus we shopped around), the bank (deposit a check), the Post Office (mailed Breaking Dawn to my MIL), Costco (looked for new pots n'pans for my birthday- more on that later), Sams Club (to make sure they didn't have better pots n' pans than Costco), then to Walmart (for the items I DIDN'T need 37 of).
I am now too tired to post about any of the things I have been needing to, but hope this might help you to see what the heck I have been up to. Its different stuff everyday. Obviously all of us get so busy in the summer with the kids home that we don't have energy to blog! If I haven't been on your blog too much lately please know I still love you and I will be back. School starts Monday... I will miss my kids and miss getting sleep. There are a couple things I won't miss namely fighting (it hasn't been THAT bad) and constant messes (although I actually think it might be Sam's fault and HE isn't going to school.)
Speaking of Sam-- he wanted to go to Sam's Club today, even saying "we going to my cwub?" still I am not convinced that he really knew what it was. Maybe he did though because we were at a stoplight and he saw Home Depot and he told me "oh Home Depot." How many 2 year olds know Home Depot? I guess for him if he is leaving the house (especially if its with Daddy) he has a pretty good chance he is going to end up at Home Depot. He is usually really easy to take and a lot of fun so Ed and I take him whenever we run somewhere- even for a minute. Today however he was almost souly responsible for my head being about to explode. I bet he had between 1 and 5 fits per store! He has to do EVERYTHING himself and refuses to sit in the cart lately.
We watched the movie "Penelope" as a family the other night. We all really liked it. However there was a witch in it for all of like 2 minutes that terrified Alex. I knew as soon as I looked over at his face that we would be having sleep troubles. That night he wouldn't go to bed in his bed and settled for falling asleep out in the hallway with the lights on. We put him in his bed when we went to bed, but he returned to our room and slept there during the night. The second night he stayed in his room during the night but still insisted on falling asleep out in the hallway. Tonight (night three) I put my foot down and said buddy you can't do that anymore, you've got to move on and we talked about it all. He wouldn't let me go and begged me to lay with him for just a minute. I was afraid if I did that that he woudl start to expect that every night. Still he looked so scared and I felt bad for him, so I laid there and talked to him for a few minutes which really did help him. When I am in my kids bed I see the room from a different perspective. Hoping to get him to see his room as not scary at night, I said to him "you have a pretty nice room." He said "thanks." Then he said "I like how the walls look purple at night." Me: "yeah thats cool." Him: "and like the sky in the day." I thought to myself about how I am so exhausted at night all I want is to get them in bed and go unwind. This made me realize that I was missing out on knowing some really special things like what he likes about his room at night. I have a brother that had these old fashioned looking soldiers on the wallpaper in his bedroom when he was little. My mom shared with me that she thought it was sweet because he had once told her he liked them because he felt like they were protecting him. So go ask your kids tomorrow what they like about their room at night-- you might learn something that you will remember even when you are 80 with fondness. He is about to lose some teeth and can barely eat apples, but manages somehow. It is a fun age. Oh also when he watches the Olympics he says "I just need to practice a little, then I can do that." This is while guys are placing their bodies parallel to the ground on the ring in gymnastics, or flinging their bodies around the uneven bars, or while Phelps is beating another world record. It is so cute how kids are so confidant in their abilities. I think what it is, is that some of those athletes make it look so easy.
Something about Ashlin real fast too. She knew for for 2 weeks she was suppose to write a note to a teacher or grandparents or her parents so she could pass it off for Activities Days. Every couple days she would talk about it saying she needed to do it but never did- taking resposibility since only she was there to get the assignment and I knew nothing about it, it was hers and she was reminding herself -a very good thing. So today she knew she had to do it because they were meeting again. So she did it and the sweet girl that she is, she wrote the sweetest note ever and left it on our bed. She chose to write to her parents- even though we stink. She is more than I deserve as a daughter sometimes. She has to start school on a new track which means a completely different class of students than her past 2 years. She might possibly not know anyone in her class. She told me she wished I could come with her the first 2 days of school. I can tell she is nervous and I wish I could. She just memorized the 13th article of faith, with no help from me. Once a month they get a cookie for each (up to two) articles of faith they recite to their leaders after church. This has been an excellent incentive. It is harder for Alex (he's 31/2 yrs younger though) but he gets it eventually. Sam just smiles and looks cute and copies whatever they tell him to say while jumping up and down (his own addition) and he gets a cookie. Ashlin is totally into the Olympics. She watches them with great interest and is her Dad's best company during to watch with. (I like it too, but I am always doing other stuff as well as watching.)I don't know how better to describe Ashlin, but I just know with her I hit the jackpot.
Ok none of it was fast, but I decided a little way in that I would just make this a journal entry. Sorry if I bored you out of your mind!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The last Tuesday of Summer (according to the school calendar)
Posted by Alisa at 10:45 PM 12 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Magnet Boards
Here is the magnet board we made for Ashlin's friend for her birthday. She seemed to really like it.
Here is the magnet board we made for Ashlin a while back. We just got magnets for it, so she hasn't yet hung stuff on it. She would every so often tell me we needed to get her some magnets for it and a picture of me to hang on it. Isn't that sweet that she wants to hange a picture of her mom? She is really sweet.
This is a picture of a huge "A" we ended up picking up for her for her room. It was brown and meant to be crafted, so we went ahead and mod podged it too.
This a picture of her on her bed with her crafts. We have plenty more to do to her room, but I am waiting for the right idea to come around and really the time too.
Posted by Alisa at 9:11 PM 7 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
4th of July fun
Many of you have been posting your pictures of all the fun parades and activities you had on your Independance Day. Well I didn't go to our annual town parade (on the 3rd of July) because I volunteered to stay home with Sam who had started running a fever the night before. He continued to be sick the entire weekened following and it turned into quite an event. So any lack of pictures I am going to blame on this. Let me share with you the entire story.
Upon our return from Bear Lake, where we went for a family reunion (you can read about this on my sister Erin's blog or sis-in law Anna's blog- or when I finally get to blogging about it) we had a couple days to recover before Sam came down with a fever. I considered this typical and just waited for it to pass. The 4th of July was day 3 of fever with not sign of improvement. I had to keep him on Tylenol and Motrin around the clock. At night he would cry and wake up because he was burning up and he needed more medicine and a drink of water. Every night. So when there was no letting up I figured it could be something more and went to urgent care on the 4th. The Dr did the typical examinations for things that could be causing fever. There was nothing showing us how it could be viral, still sometimes it is and you never see the reason, so he sent us home to wait it out a couple more days.
It continued to be difficult and I sensed it was not normal so I called the On- call Dr the next day and she said she would definitely get a white blood cell count on him considering the length of time and lack of symptoms. Well I momentarily thought he was on his way to getting better and so I waited until the next day when it was clear he was not. We were now on Sunday--5 days and counting with fever. This time the kids urgent care with peditricians was open and that made me feel good. This lady Dr did take blood to check his white blood cell count, which she found to be elevated indicating infection warranting antibiotic injections. After the blood draw he was already mad about, he had to withstand an injection in each leg of antibiotics --which they tell me really burns. He was NOT happy.
After this all I am thinkng we are finally done and that he will be better and it will be all behind us. However the Dr sait that even though he would probably be fine by the next day that we still needed to follow up with his regular pediatrician. She said if for some reason things aren't better he may need another injection of antibiotic. So we went in the next day (Monday.) Our regular Dr was not in until Tuesday, so we saw a very new, young, nice female Dr. She was worried that Sam was not better after the prior days injections and that he wasn't showing us any reason for infection. We didn't know what was wrong with him and that wasn't good. It didn't appear that was even getting better. Yes -he was still running a fever of about the same tempurature as always- maybe just slightly lower. The antibiotic they gave him was strong and they had given him a lot of it, so it should have done something... So the Dr ran even more blood tests on him, the whole slew for anything it could be. In the end we didn't have a lot of results back yet but we did know that his white blood cell count had come down and that was proof that the antibiotic was helping. So she gave him another injection (just one this time) and told us to go home and we were sure things would be fine and we would move on. Sam HATED the Dr by now especially since it seemed we were going in every day of his life and sticking him with needles. I should also mention that with this young female Dr I mentioned to her that Sam didn't seem to be able to move his neck very well and she examined him and said he was okay for not having meningitis. If they can't move their head up and down that is a sign of meningitis and his problem was with side to side movements. We did however discover he had very large lymph nodes and that was what was hurting and making him not want to turn his head. I made the comment that they were humongous --they really were, it looked like Frankenstein- like big golf balls inside his neck on either side! I made the comment that he must be really trying to fight whatever he has and she just said "yeah" and we moved on. I wish I had gotten a picture to show now, but that is just not what I was thinking of or worried about when my son was feeling so crappy and truthfully I was about in tears throughout some of it.
Well the next day I got a call from our regular Dr who was back (mind you I thought we were already done with Dr's and he was fine) and after looking at Sam's blood work, said it came back abnormal and he wanted to see him. So we go in for our 4th visit to the Dr in 5 days. I took Ed this time so that I wouldn't turn on the tears and be as worried as I was alone the day before (the lady was talking about admitting him and ruling out some serious stuff.) The blood work was abnormal what did that mean? Well the numbers that measure inflamation were 90 and the upper level for normal is 15. We head in and Sam is doing much better the fever is down and he is happier,-- except for the face that he is at the Dr, which he definitely NOT happy about. The Dr seeing that he has been traumatized decides that we still don't have a reason he is sick and that isn't good but he is getting better and is about to say that we should go home and keep in touch about how things go, when we mention how large his lymph nodes are. Well-- he then tells us what important information that is. I tell him I had told the Dr the day before. I mean if she doesn't react at all to that, why would think it was so important? Anyway its a good thing we did mention it because we found a cause for the infection and after all this run around it ended up being fairly simple. His lymph nodes were infected-- the cause of all the problems! Sometimes they help fight infection and sometimes they are what becomes infected. He is at a common age for this infection. The Dr put him on an oral round of a fairly aggressive antibiotic and now he is fine. Hooray! If we hadn't taken care of this the lymph nodes can eventually rupture and then he would've needed a CAT-scan and surgery to drain them. I tell you this in case you ever have to deal with anything like this! The fact that he could actually turn his head as difficult as it was, was a good thing, because when they rupture it makes it so you really can't turn it at all from side to side. I had never heard of this and then all of a sudden I get a call from my brother and his daughter has got it too! Too weird. Where is all of this stuff in the What to Expect Books???
Posted by Alisa at 11:09 PM 5 comments
Summer and Smoothies
Posted by Alisa at 11:18 AM 9 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Big Breakfast Diet
This is not going to be a long post. I merely want to point out how my last title is about how I am a pig and this next title is about an article that advocated eating a big breakfast while on a diet. Take from that what you will.
Anyway this is a great article so check it out. I love that it doesn't give carbs a bad wrap but encourages them. It goes on to show how low-carb diets are MUCH less sucessful in the long run. I have always hated and never even thought of trying a low-carb diet. Sorry for the strong opinions. One thing it doesn't say that I think is important is that the carbs we do eat should pack in a lot of fiber. Here's the link:
So read it and twalk amongst yourselfs.
Posted by Alisa at 11:46 PM 4 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Proof that I'm a pig
Tonight we went to a neighborhood BBQ and we had a watermelon eating contest which I was somehow convinced to compete in and I actually won. Up against some men and my husband included. I ate like the sloppiest, loudest, rudest eater ever. To make it worse I was laughing so hard that food was coming out of my mouth and at one point watermelon juice sprayed out like when you have drink in your mouth and someone makes you laugh. One guy declared after that that he was done. It wasn't my most attractive moment. My hair was sticky and glued together at places from getting watermelon on it and my make-up was coming off and watermelon was in my eye. So I don't win races that I run in, or anything else for that matter, but a food race... I can kick butt! What can I say I AM a pig.
Posted by Alisa at 9:59 PM 9 comments
wedding presents
When Ed and I got married, we didn't register anywhere. Why? We were to busy in school, work and being in the sappiest of love ever. Life was overwhelming and we had no parents around to tell us what we should be doing- registering didn't really occur to us. I think that kind of thing was just not on my mind. So we got all kinds of things from all over and most all of it was really good. It was Christmas time- we were married on the 21st of December, so we got a lot of Christmasy stuff- a glass christmas platter, a christmas frame and christmas decorations. One thing we opened was a box for a Christmas tree stand. We figured oh good, we will need this next year, that was thoughtful. Ed's mom even made a comment about how pricey those can be so that was a thoughtful gift. So we never opened it since we weren't going to get a tree that year but stuck it in a closet and sent off a thank you note telling the Dyer family (yes Anna your family must have needed a new stand that year and used the box for a much better gift which they gave us) thank you for the Christmas tree stand. We never heard anything or discussed it since, I am not sure that they ever knew about all of this. By the way a few years later my Brother Brandon married their daughter Anna making us all family now. So finally the funny day came when I am not sure why, and it wasn't because we got a tree, but we opened the tree stand box and inside was a gorgeous 2 tiered plate stand. I LOVED it and about laughed myself to death thinking about how I actually thought they got me a Christmas tree stand and how this gift was so much more their style, and how I was a dummy for not looking inside, and about what the heck they thought when they got my thank you card. Their family has good classy taste and I should have known. I still have the plate stand 11 1/2 years later and it sits in my kitchen with fruit on it as I write. I have used it at babyshowers and bridal showers and other gatherings to make desserts and appetizers and other food look beautiful. I think next time I see Val I will tell her this funny story.
Posted by Alisa at 12:40 AM 5 comments
Tonight we went to the wedding of our next door neighbors daughter. It was very nice. We especially like that although there were cars up and down the street for as far as you could see, we merely had to walk out the front door and into the next yard. The weather predicted rain and although it was slightly chilly out there was no rain. The wedding was beautiful and fun, there was a band and dancing. It got my 9 year old daughter super excited about weddings and talking about what hers would be like. I told her that I would make sure she liked it all and we would plan together, but that I would be living my wedding through her. Which leads to a story. You see I got engaged 4 months after my parents left to serve a mission for 3 years- my dad was a mission president in Bolivia. I was 19 and I wasn't expecting to fall in love and plan a wedding, but I did and I knew it was right. So with my Mom in Bolivia my Aunt in Florida was nice enough to plan and take care of the wedding. I was in school and super busy and totally in la la engagement land. The end result was a very gorgeous wedding that I chose very little of. A surprise wedding if you will. I chose the announcement, the dresses for the bridsemaids etc and my dress. Other than that-- working over such a distance with the amount of time we had and the amount of stress I had with work, school and engagement, (I got a D in anatomy that sememster) I wasn't able to help much with the wedding. I think my Aunt did try to involve me and now that I think about it I was never home to get a hold of. Thinking about this now I am still trying to figure out what happened. Oh and during the short wedding planning we did have, I left for week around Thanksgiving to go visit my parents in Bolivia- it really was an insanely crazy time. The wedding was so nice and my Aunt has great taste and chose pretty much things I would have chosen had I been there for every detail, still it leaves me wanting to plan a wedding! So needless to say I am very excited to help plan Ashlin's wedding and I have lots of years to think about it!
Posted by Alisa at 12:22 AM 4 comments
This is totally new information
Ok so when my husband leaves town I hate to cook and the kids and I eat most of our meals out. Well sometimes its too much trouble to go out and we just eat simple stuff at home, but this time we are out anyway and so we ate out. Ashlin loves Panda Express and had been wanting to go there. I love it too, but I always feel like I am at risk for eating too much when I go. I know that I have to plan on eating about half the meal and saving the rest. Which why the heck is that? I didn't have parents who made me clear my plate and I don't make my children. I think that theory about the need to clear your plate being a result of parents who encouranged it is crap because I still feel like I should eat everything on my plate and have to make quite an effort to stop myself from eating until I am uncomfortably full even though my parents never encouraged it. I am not sure if most of have this problem but I kind of think we do, at least I have had other friends express it. I wonder if naturally skinny people don't care....
So as for my discovery. I like to get the steamed veggies, but don't want to have to replace a meat choice with veggies but learned I don't have to you can get veggies instead of that really fattening chow mein or rice and it puts you back into a diet friendly meal. I got half veggies half steamed rice and two meat choices and it was perfect. I still had to save some of the meal for later, but I was so pleased. At least now I can get fresh veggies somewhere when I go out to eat- that is my biggest problem with fast food- very little fresh vegetables or fruit. Lame thing to blog about? I don't care... you can tell what kind of stuff I get excited about. Hey- I studied to be a dietician. I told my younger sister (who also studied to be a dietician) and she was totally stoked too. I don't have a weight loss blog to put this on-- my blog functions as everything for me. Which I guess since this is a diet-ish entry I may as well mention that I did finally reach my 10% and stay there and was actually below it during the heat of the kitchen renovation (still not finished I promise Iwill post when it is), but am back at right around the 10% again. Who won the throwdown? I still don't know if it was sis-in-law Kariann ( I think it was) or my sis Julie- they both say each other won. Still want to say see ya to another 5 or 10 lbs.
Posted by Alisa at 12:02 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
What Alex told me
I posted two yesterday and I was thinking today about how I needed to post what Alex said to me the other day. I always see those cute kid quote posts, so here goes my third post in 2 days. K, so first picture me laying on the ground trying not to fall asleep and Alex sitting nearby me and something catches his eye.
Alex: Mom what is that? (touching my underarm)
Me: What is what?
Alex: That-- your growing a beard in there.
In my defense this was on Sunday and I was dead beat tired from my week-- I am sorry if I forgot to shave the night before when I finally got in for my bath at 1:30 in the morning. Yes that is what happened. All the dust I talked about cleaning up in my earlier post, moving all my kitchen stuff back from my living room into my kitchen, cleaning every corner of the house and every bathroom, doing laundry, going to soccer and Costco and helping my kids set up the playpool outside, cleaning off the porch etc, basically catching up on WEEKS worth of work in one day and I still didn't get it all done. That is why I got a bath so late, went to bed so late and somehow overlooked my underarms. I think my hand were too overworked to be able to hold the razor anway.
Posted by Alisa at 11:35 PM 8 comments
Ironic birdhouse



Posted by Alisa at 12:03 AM 5 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Its been a month since I have posted - almost exactly. I am feeling bad and neglectful. However that is indicative of my life. In the past month we have worked backbreaking days on our kitchen - doing the long awaited remodel. It is almost there, but we are taking a short break from any continued work as we have company in town- Ed's brother and his wife. They drove all the way from South Carolina taking 2 1/2 days to get here. We have a fun but busy we ahead I am sure. Our kitchen is looking quite nice even though it is not yet done, but I'll wait until the end to post pictures. The hardest part of the project so far has been putting the new wood floors down. We had rip up the old ones, get the new ones down (took 2+ long days), sand them (another entire day) stain them (no walking on them after that) then 3 coats of polyurethane. This meant the heart of our home the kitchen and family room were off limits for an entire week. We hated it and ate out every meal- which got very old. It was so cramped with all the furniture being moved out and our refrigerator was in the entry way, just inside the front door- kind of funny when people stopped by- embarassing more like it. We had a very thick layer of dust on literally EVERYTHING in the entire house!!! It took a lot of cleaning to get rid of the dust and I am still finding it. We didn't get to bed before 12 or 1am a singe night because we had to work late. If I never did another wood floor again it would be too soon. We are done with the wood though and it looks great, and it really feels like we earned it. It also was good for weight loss. We both lost a few pounds as we barely ate (when we did eat it was BAD) and we were burning up so many calories. So I'll post pics later! Not of us and weight- which is bound to find its way back on, of the remodel.
Posted by Alisa at 11:50 PM 6 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Sammy boy
A few weeks old





Posted by Alisa at 11:17 PM 7 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
DARN YOU Bobby Flay!


Posted by Alisa at 10:25 AM 7 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
And thats Utah for you
take some pictures and pause in my laziness to blog about it.
Here are my daffodils and sprouting tulips with snow all over them
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A shot of it all from the front of the house
The kids begged me to get out Easter decorations which I have very little of. Ashlin and Alex took their baskets and started putting them on their heads. Then Sam caught on. His basket is tiny and makes it look like a monkey in a marching band. Don't worry that was the last minute basket I could find for him last year, but this year he has a bigger one. It was perfect last year for a one year old though. I especially like the way the tag is still on and falls in front of his face.
2008+006.jpg)
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2008+011.jpg)
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2008+031.jpg)
2008+029.jpg)
Posted by Alisa at 8:26 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Diet Murder
Today was diet murder. I started out with a good workout and a healthy breakfast. Then we headed off to playgroup water bottle in hand. After that we had just 15 minutes to get lunch (Wendy's) before heading off to a field trip at a very scary place I will say more about later. At Wendy's I ordered a dollar menu bacon cheesburger! and a side salad. Why did I do that- well I usually try to get a small burger and a side salad with low-cal dressing but the addition of bacon and cheese was just wrong. I got that because I was in a hurry and couldn't think--she was waiting for me to order and I was having trouble making a healthy decision in the 5 second pause I had to look a the menu. So then the burger came and I realized I forgot to tell them to leave OFF the mayo. So after a quick debate as to how dry and flavorless it would be, I wiped off the mayo with a napkin and decided that the bacon and cheese and vegetable and the beef would lend a good enough mixture of flavors and moisture-- I was right it was good. So I downed that and the salad and we were off to the field trip to Sweet's CANDY FACTORY!!!
If I had any diet responsibility at all I would have arranged to have Ed go or just never mentioned it to my kids, but the truth is I wanted to go as much as my kids did! It was a really cool field trip and tasty too. I have seen all kind of shows about about how things are made and seen the factories and such, but have NEVER personally been in one that I can remember. So we saw taffy being made and sampled it, and we saw jelly beans being made and sampled them, and we saw orange jelly sticks enrobed in chocolate being made and sampled them (holy crap it was good- so fresh and I am not usually that much of a fan) we also saw cinnamon bears being made and I got to sample one too (I LOVE them). This place even covers cinnamon bears in chocolate and they are so good. The chocolate enrobing kitchen smelled AMAZING. So I sampled all of the things above plus a carmel peanut chocolate covered thing. On the drive home I was literally feeling sick. It wasn't that I had eaten THAT much candy, it was really just one of each of the things I mentioned above-- could be worse. It was just so much sweet all at once for me. So worked on recovering during the drive, home and told myself I would not eat anymore candy today. So when I got home I went to show Ed the candy that I bought (I forgot to mention that) the factory had a little candy store that sells all kind of fresh candy. I then began to sample all of it. There were huge chocolate covered marshamallow eggs, an easter candy mix, some saltwater taffy, grape sourballs and a mixture of chocolate covered nuts (my favorite). I kept eating the nuts and eating them because I had to try all the different kinds several times- there were dark and milk chocolate on pecans, brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, walnuts and almonds-- I hope I tried them all I wonder if there are some nuts I missed I need to go check! I followed this up by a little walk outside and a healthy dinner-- my homemade version of Chili's Grilled Chicken Carribeann.
So it was a bad day as it was (I also sampled a couple bites of cookie throughout the day) but then my favorite neighbor came by with the most amazing chocolate cake I have ever eaten. She had told me about the recipe she had and so she was bringing it by for me to try and to get rid of some of it. I had decided by this time it was a lost cause that the diet was not happening today and that there was no way I was leaving that chocolate cake alone tonight. So I ate it but my kids wanted some so I hesitantly gave them each some of mine knowing it was for my own good, but it was not an easy sacrifice. I want the recipe really bad, but am not sure if I am to be trusted. Here is the strangest thing about my diet murder today- I have been sitting here hungry and wanting more food! I am in no place to eat more after today or after the high numbers on the scale I have been seeing lately-- hopefully due to the time of the month. Also because I saw a full body pic of myself and it was a wake up call. Losing weight has made me feel so good because my clothes fit better etc, but the picture made it very obvious that I am not there yet I have a ways to go! It was diet murder, but it was really, REALLY yummy.
Posted by Alisa at 11:17 PM 8 comments
Hackjob Hair
This is Ashlin before we cut her hair-- this is a silly picture back from December. So seeing as it is March her hair was even longer.
She had been growing out her hair for Locks of Love for around 2 years I think now. Sweet girl huh? She really is. Her hair was beautiful in many ways, but a little hard to take care of. We both were ready for a cut. I had recently seen an old picture of her with shorter hair and thought she looked so darn cute. Still I was patient not wanting for her to cut her hair after so much growing and hard work before it was time.
Well the boys were due up for a cut and so as I cut their hair and she was feeling some desire to join the ranks. She was ready for a cut. So we measured it out and she had 10 inches which is the minimum for locks of love, but the last inch was not such nice hair- bad ends and not thick, but quite sparse. So I trimmed off the bad ends measured again and got 9 inches. So I then decided to research and see what would happen if we cut now. I had remembered Hilary Swank cut her hair for Pantene, so I decided to check out their site. It turned out you only need 8 inches for them, so we decided we were good to
go. So we followed the instructions and put her hair in a good tight ponytail and I chopped! It was very scary! It was a lot of hair and I wanted to make sure the hair she wasn't keeping was usuable for Pantene and that the hair she was keeping looked decent and wasn't TOO short. I had to chop and chop and chop to get throught it all. I was really afraid because it wasn't making a real clean cut. I just kept tellng myself if I mess up we can take her to a salon to get it fixed and that hair does grow back. I DID know that cutting from a ponytail at the back of her head it would end up in an A-line cut, where her hair in the front was longer and the back was shorter- which I wanted. It was already pretty cute as soon as the ponytail was cut and the hair fell forward, but it needed some cleanup. She looked in the mirror while I had to run and help her brother- it wasn't fixed yet but she said "I already think it looks cute!"I was relieved. So I evened out some areas to make them straight and in my amateur way tried to do some layers in the back. I quickly realized it was well beyond my ability and that we needed to take her to a salon or to one of my friends who is a beautician and ask for help. Well I first called a couple friends and one line was busy and the other wasn't home, then we got busy and still haven't fixed it-- it looks good enough for now, but I do need to get her in somewhere to get the professional touch. Doing hair that short is hard, it has to be precise. I keep catching her looking in the mirror and smiling which is so cute. She also gets really excited to see friends who haven't seen her hair yet. I love her so much and am so glad to have a daughter with such a big heart. I also am just glad to have a daughter. She is like a best friend and she is so forgiving of me. Really, she tells me that I am the best mom in the world and means it, and I'm far from it! I guess I only need to wait a few years 'til she's a teen and her mind will quickly change. I hope not though- I hope we are buddies forever. I usually can't imagine anything but the sweet little girl she is, but every once in a while I catch a glimpse of some major attitude!
Posted by Alisa at 10:15 PM 7 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Family reading night, turned soda geyser
Last Friday night was an activity called Family Reading Night an my kids school. They are having a reading competition at school and basically this month they are suppose to read as much as they can to win. They are competing against other schools and if they win they get to have a Jazz player come to thier school and an ice cream party. It must be a good incentive because the boy next door (same age as Ashlin) told me he has spent some extra hours reading because he really wants to win and meet the Jazz player. His mom at separate times has told me how little he cares for academics and reading and that he would rather, anyday, be outside playing basketball, or doing jumps on his bike or rollerblades off a ramp etc. My daughter enjoys winning as much as the next person but told me she does NOT care to meet any of the Jazz- but the ice cream sounds good. My kindergartener doesn't quite understand, but really likes winning and meeting cool people and ice cream too, so he wants to win.
Back to reading night. Every minute of reading done that night was to count toward this competition. It was Friday and my husband just got back into town late the night before and it sounded pretty nice to us to put the kids to bed and watch our Netflix "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." The last thing he or I felt like was going to the school. My kids were begging me and I knew once I got there it would probably be pretty fun. I also realized that since it was Friday not many people would go and so it shouldn't be overly crowded and that was a nice thought.
So we went. As a nice sidenote I was grateful when I got there because the sign-ups for parent teacher conference were still out and I had forgotten to sign-up that week even though I had been to the school like 5 times! So even if the evening did turn out to be a bomb, that would be worth it. :) The evening wasn't a bomb though. There weren't tons of people there, but just enough. The kids got to pick out candy like it was a movie theatre. Then we rotated to different locations around the school and heard some really fun stories. One was about how a little boy wanted an Iguana (it was cute- called "I want and Iguana") and they had a real iguana there for the kids to look at. We went on to hear several others "Bad Dog Marley" also cute and they got to hold stuffed animal dogs (Bonus: Alex's said "Yo quiero Taco Bell" when you squeezed it). A older man read part of "The Hobbit" and he used an English accent when he read and did a decent job, only I am not sure if he was actually British or not- I think when he said "thanks for listening goodbye" that he might have lost the accent. He might be getting his tutoring from Brittney. There were a few other cute books (in case you want ideas for your kids) "No Talking" a chapter book by Andrew Clements. Also, I can't remember the name but one was about a french mouse (no, not ratatouille he's a rat) and the lady dressed the part in a french princess-ish outfit and she used a pretty good fake french accent.
The kids each won a $5 coupon to spend at the bookfair which was open for shopping at the end of the night. This is our second bookfair this year-- we have a bookfair that coincides with each of the two parent teacher conferences, that way they know the parents will get to the school to spend money. It works and I always spend too much, kind of a sucker for books. The books they have there are always really good ones and they are usually paperback and pretty cheap. Plus the school gets like 50% of the profit. I was looking for "Twilight" -have you all heard of that New York times best seller about vampires?? Everybody I know has read it but me. They didn't have it. I do have a copy from the library now.
Each of my kids were very excited to go in and find something to spend their $5 on. Ashlin found a chapter book called "Lily B. On the Brink of Cool." It is all pink with a cartoon diva girl pictured on the front. Alex had picked out a really cute tadpole counting book (like the ladybug one if you have seen that) but he was willing to put it back along with anything else that I asked him to, AND his left leg if I was just willing to buy him... a scientific soda geyser kit he found. It was $15 (the price of 3 books) and it came with a tube of mint mentos (50 cents at the grocery store), a foam rocket that looked like it cost them 5 cents to make (cheaper looking than happy meal or dollar store toys) two types of salt- rock and table (both of which we have at home) and one last thing that I guess was what was suppose to make it worth $15. It was a tube that screws onto your soda bottle with a pin that holds the mentos up until you pull it out using an attached string, allowing the mentos to drop into the soda while you are far as the explosion immediately takes place. I bought it even as I watched so many parents around me say "no" to similar items and listening to others say "well you don't have enough money for that, how about this?" See, I'm a sucker. He did have $5 to put toward it...
Really I knew that Alex wasn't the only one who would enjoy it. All the kids would enjoy it, including the grown-up kids, my husband to be specific. He was pretty excited about it. He picked up 1 bottle of diet coke (didn't realize we needed LOTS more), which we now know performs the best for this experiment. We also tried non-diet sprite, and a bottle of seltzer water, which both barely put up a fountain at all. We have been fans of Mythbusters and others performing this experiment before and were excited to do it ourselves. I have video of it below you should give it a watch.
Posted by Alisa at 3:48 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I got "tagged"
I'm new enough to blogging that I have never been "tagged" before so I am actually kind of excited about this- Mandy. That is not an open invitation to everyone else to tag me (I already get asked to sub for everything in church because people know I won't say "no") it is just my first time and the first time is always kind of exciting. But beware you might get tagged by me now! I have answered about a million things like this via email, but now bloggin's the in thing.
10 years ago I was... Barely pregnant with my first child, while going to school part time at BYU and working full-time for Utah Valley Regional Medical Center at the Family Practice Residency Clinic.
5 things on my 'to do' list today: Well this is for tomorrow now. My only plans tonight are to relax for a bit and then go to bed.
1. Get up and get Ashlin off to school so I can exercise and shower before my VT's come at 9:30
2. Get Alex's school work done, get him lunch and off to pm kindergarten .
3. Go VT at 1pm
4. Fold the loads and loads of laundry that I have been avoiding for a couple days now.
5.Take the kids to the library to return the books we finished reading and get new ones.
Things I would do if I became a billionaire:
1. Pay someone to finish our home (the addition parts we haven't finshed yet and to do what remodeling we have on our list) I guess that is if I didn't just decide I had enough money to just scratch this home alltogether.
2. Give some to charitable places anyone or thing that needed it (not necessarily a particular organization)
3. Travel to some really cool places all over the world that I have never been before... NY, HI, Cancun, all places tropical, Germany, China, Africa, France, Itay.
4. Invest
wonder if I should switch anything above out for lipo?
3 of my bad habits:
1. Staying up too late
2. touching my food with my fingers (I am a lot better at this now- because Ed asked me to be)
3. being late (getting better- we have 9am church and I haven't once been late AND I have to get all 3 kids ready alone because Ed is at PEC)
boy this subject wasn't a fun one, fessing up not easy.
5 Places I've lived:
1. California
2. Washington state
3. Arizona
4. Utah
5 jobs I've had:
1. Hostess and Server at Mel's Diner and the Skyroom Restaurant at BYU
2. Janitor for OBGYN office
3. Museum of Art Cafe at BYU (did catering and food prep- was the designated smoothie maker at Skyroom)
4. Did a lot of regular babysitting and nannying. Not just for my aunt every friday, but later for the owner of Mel's diner -was the afterschool mom while their mom worked, also came home from college one summer to work full time for a mom while she worked as a nurse.
5. Patient service rep for the Family Practice Residency, at UVRMC Hospital in Provo. That was fancy for scheduling appts and checking patients out.
Things most people don't know about me:
1.I originally studied to be a dietician but have since changed my career path several times and am currently unsure what I will graduate as- because I will graduate.
2. I held and office in the future Homemakers of America while in High School and even went to a regional meeting representing that office instead of school one day. I don't remember which office. The reason I joined was to have it on my admission papers to BYU- I figured they dig that kind of stuff. I didn't take it seriously enough, but maybe I should have since I currently am a Homemaker of America.
Now I tag: (sorry)
1. Erin Ginos (I didn't do any other sisters or sis-in-law, because I didn't want to use up their options)
2. Becky Parker
3. Kim Johnson
4. Erin Allen (but she will have to do it when she gets her internet up and going she just moved to London!)
PS. I realize the time stamp on this is for when I started it at around 6pm, but I had to stop and didn't get to finishing it until 11pm. So don't think I am THAT lazy, to say that I am relaxing and going to bed at 6pm.
Posted by Alisa at 5:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Not a recipe
It has been a while since I have posted a "real" entry, not a recipe. I write entries in my head all the time, but then forget them later and never post them. Well this morning my entry was all about how my pants are fitting so well!

She said this same guy would always see her out running and say "should you be doing that?" I mean she was obviously booking it, big ol' belly and all. She was even 10 days overdue. She's amazing!, but I don't want my chest looking like hers.
Posted by Alisa at 5:16 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Have your lasagna and eat it too
My friend requested that I post this recipe...
My sister Julie was talking the other day about how she made lasagna but couldn't eat more than a couple bites because it was so high in calories. This is a lasgna that you can eat without it ruining your diet. It doesn't taste much different than the good old traditional kind, but it is.
There are a couple reasons it is lower calorie. The most effective change to lower the calories in this dish is using spaghetti squash instead of noodles (trust me it tastes great EVERYONE in my family ate it up). I got the idea to use spaghetti squash from Roni's website, she has a lot of good ideas. I still don't think I would have tried it had Erin, my other sister, not tried it first and told me it was really good. Spaghetti squash has 35 calories per cup, while pasta has 215 per cup- that is a lot of difference in calories, and pasta offers very little actual nutrition.
The next reason it is lower calories is I use very lean ground meat instead of fattier kinds or sausage. It still tastes like I use sausage though, because I put all the sausage seasonings in my meat when I brown it. Then a few calories are cut by using part skim ricotta instead of the full fat kind. You could go fat free too if you wanted, I just was a little afraid to go that far this time- I was going to be feeding it to my family and the new spaghetti squash thing was enough new for one meal. I like the ricotta alone without egg or parsley added so I don't add that (and even keeping the egg out saves some calories). It also saves dishes and time.
It is sort of like making lasagna using spaghetti. My husband said several times how surprised he was at how wonderful it tastes and how you can't even really tell its squash, it tastes like vermicelli-- which he loves. If you don't want to go through the trouble of making the lasagna you could even make meatsauce and eat it over the spaghetti squash noodles. Ok onto the recipe
take a whole spaghetti squash and stab holes in it with a knife, then put the entire thing in the microwave for 12 minutes on high. Then set aside until ready to use.
1 lb lean ground meat (chicken, turkey, pork or beef or a mix- I used 90% lean beef)
While browing add:
1- Tbl fennel seed (this is one of the biggest factors in giving it a sausage flavor)
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp garlic (just throw some in - I don't measure well)
1/2-1 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper or some pepper flakes(like you put on pizza)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp italian seasoning (or use some basil and oregano)
Add: 3 16-oz cans of tomatoes however you like, crushed, diced, whole(then crush them) some tomato sauce whatever. Also another way to lower the calories here would be to add some cooked pureed veggies, carrots and celery- or shred some carrot in. I had some leftover tomato soup that called for pureed veggies and I threw that in.
Add more to taste:
garlic 1 Tbl or so
italian seasoning
then let it simmer for about an hour. Simmering is important so that your meat is tender and you don't bite into something rubbery or hard to chew. It also gets all the flavors of your seasoning to come out into your sauce.
Then its time to layer:
-start with some sauce on the bottom so nothing sticks
-then an even layer of the spaghetti squash
-then ricotta (spread over top, right from the carton)
-mozzerella cheese
- then sauce again
- squash again
-ricotta again
- then do more sauce and end with mozzerella on top
This is all the layers I was able to fit. Bake in a 375 degree oven until warm through- about 30-45 mintues. I put a larger pan under the dish because mine was full and overflowed some.
I just made an 8x8 for our family and I had stuff leftover.
When you serve it, it looks good (and tastes good) to spoon some sauce over the top of each individual serving.
Posted by Alisa at 2:39 PM 7 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn
I was starving today when I got home from errands. That is always how my day goes, I've got to start packing healthy snacks. I wasn't even gone very long. So I ate and apple and when that didn't touch it (the hunger) and I was about to start eating things I knew I had better not, I remembered this recipe- if you can call it that, for popcorn that was low-cal. It is SO easy. To me it has a similar idea to kettle corn in that it is lightly sweet and also addicting. It really hit the spot.
So what you do:
Air pop 1/2 cup of popcorn - it will make a nice sized bowful.
Then spray it with pam and toss it to get the pam to coat evenly (this makes the cinnamon sugar stick)
Then sprinkle on cinnamon sugar (whatever ratio you like) but only about 1-2 Tablespoons to control the calories.
I also sprinkled a very little bit of salt to give it the kettle corn, sweet and salty flavor. But really you don't need much salt at all if you choose to do that, like one or two shakes.
Nutrition info: I didn't divide it into servings because I almost ate the whole thing but also because it is easier to figure out that way. So the popcorn alone has 345 calories and 1 tbl of sugar has 50 calories. I used only 1 tbl of sugar, so the whole bowl wass just under 400 calories.
This was good to fend of my sweet tooth. I hope you like it-- I obviously did. I don't know about my family because the kids were at school when I made and ate it. And like I said there wasn't much left after I got done with it. Alex ate the other bowl- the one with just salt and pam on it, I made that incase I didn't like the cinnamon one. If you are scared you will eat the whole thing like I did, then just make half-- I know I will next time.
Posted by Alisa at 10:56 PM 6 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
How to lose 3 pounds in one day...
Weak stomach? Read with caution...
It all began with an insatiable appetite late Thursday afternoon. I got home and was ravenous and did not stop being hungry for more and kept eating until 8pm. (Sound pretty good so far huh?) I started to notice troubles as I put the kids to bed that worsened as the night continued. A lot of gastro-intestinal upset. I went to bed and as I laid there I said to Ed that it was weird that I was feeling dizzy and that it wasn't the first time that night. When I closed my eyes I felt like I was still moving.
I fell asleep to wake up to increased discomfort. My body felt bad and I couldn't get comfortable. I gave up and went downstairs and turned on the TV. It was 3am and almost all the channels were off air, but there was a great episode of "Christine's Court" (who the heck has heard of that?) I watched it anyway. I kept getting worse and not knowing what to do with myself went upstairs at which time I new it was going to happen. Yep, to the toilet and threw up--there was nothing left. It was horrible. I admit the thought did come to me that my voracious appetite of early that night had been forgiven. I even thought that I had gained my place back in the running for the throwdown competition! I felt a little better and the indigestion left, but I was still very aware of my aching body. I went down stairs wanting to feel horrible alone, with nobody to bother. I slept on the love seat-scrunched up. I should have chosen the couch.
The next day I continued to feel really bad. If I got up it became much worse. I was nauseous and laid in bed all day falling in and out of sleep while I watched TV and sipped water and a can of lime soda. I can tell you how happy it made me to have my husband tell me he took the day off of work and he was handling everything! I honestly can't remember the last time I just got to be sick and heal. Usually I have to get up anyway. Somtimes Ed couldn't take the day off, or I had a newborn that needed to feed or Ed was out of town or whatever. It was heaven for a sick person. He was awesome and got me things I needed and checked on me. Too bad we had to cancel a babysitter for that night, we were actually going to get out!
I started to improve a little by that night and by the next morning after a great nights sleep I felt tons better. Still had that day after feeling like you got beat up, but it sure beat the way I felt the day before. I got on the scale in the morning before eating and the results were crazier than I thought. Down 3 entire pounds in 24 hrs! I couldn't wait to call my "throwdown competition" sister Erin, who knew from when she called the day before that I was sick. I had to rub it in. We both knew it wouldn't last, but it was still really pretty cool. Of course most of it was water weight. After weighing today I know that some is already back on. Not all, so let me see if I can run with this and turn some lemons into good ol' lemonade! Of course when your body has spent the last few days with very little food and had to fight a virus it can make you hungry. I am going to have to be on my best behavior to not destroy the one good thing that came from this crappy weekened.
So it isn't really a useful method in the end. However if you are unlucky enough to get hit with stomach flu this season, just think of how skinny you will get. Believe me that is the ONLY thing that you could possibly enjoy from it.
Posted by Alisa at 10:35 PM 9 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Alex's birthday
Alex just a couple weeks old.
Alex 9 months old
These are Alex at 1 yr and some change.
This is Alex now! Ha ha don't know why he's not smiling, we are on our way out to celebrate his birthday. Going bowling and to Sweet Tomatoes his choice. He is a happy kid don't let the picture fool you. Here are the other two ready to go. Sam is happy, though sleepy you'll see...
And we're bowling... Sam fell asleep on the way, it was a 1o minute drive.
He's a good sleeper, so the good parents that we are, we laid blankets down and let him sleep on the floor of the bowling alley. All you OCD's are freaking out. He was rested and happy for the restaurant,and Ed and I were able to bowl without swapping holding him back and forth, risking him waking up. He did get in on the action for the last 5 mintues, it was all he needed- 2 times to bowl.
Here we are at Sweet Tomatoes. Where Alex and I both ate too much of a good thing (it was all healthy). He was sick afterward the kid doesn't eat much and overeating really is an uncomfortable feeling for him. When we left he kept thinking he needed to throw up, he has a sensitive stomache. He did opted to do cake a different night.
Opening presents. A monster truck from Grandma. Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga from Dad (and mom), another webkinz, a toy guitar (mom and dad) and magnet bugs (grandma).
The next night we did the cake.
He's growing up. I can't believe it when I look at those old baby pictures....
Posted by Alisa at 11:27 PM 8 comments